Rajeunir Healing

Power Of Right Decision

Power Of Right Decision

Who has the POWER to monitor this? Who is there in the driver seat? It is YOU!

It is the CHOICES & DECISIONS you make at every moment, every second, every day of your life that crafts your life!!

If we retrospect and analyze carefully, we will find that our present life is basically sum of all the choices and decisions we have made so far. Likewise, our future will also be crafted by the decisions and choices we make today.

Thus, the proverb goes MAN IS THE MASTER OF HIS OWN DESTINY. Destiny is not created by external situations or people or alignment of stars. Yes, they can have some influence on us but whether we succumb to that or rise above that depends on how skilled we are in choosing the right path by making the RIGHT DECISIONS.


In next few weeks, I will be sharing with you a few of these tools of how to make right decisions and what actually keep us stuck or prompt us to succumb to external forces and make wrong choices . Hopefully you will find them useful in navigating your life journey.

Follow me here for more such useful tips.

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